May 16, 2011

Citadel of Evil Wins Best Design in 2011 One Page Dungeon Contest!

The 2011 One Page Dungeon Contest winners have been announced and I'm happy to report that Citadel of Evil was voted "Best Design"! There were a lot of really excellent entries this year, and all 71 pages of dungeon delving fun can be downloaded for free.

Here's the list of this year's winners:

Meckwick’s Revenge by Aaron Frost & Mundi King Best Dungeon as Thunderdome
Into the Worm’s Gullet by Dyson Logos Best Old-School Dungeon
The Bastion of the Boglings by Greg Gillespie Best Monster Lair
Hallways of Thime by Herwin Wielink Best Map Art
Raid on Chinatown by Jason Morningstar Best Gangster
The Heart of the Minotaur by Joe Sarnowski Best Twist to an Adventure
Horror Comes to Haddonfield by Kelvin Green Best Horror
Hanging in Wolverine City by Leslie Furlong Best Investigation
Escape From the Lost Laboratories by Lester Ward Best Use of Teleportation
The Belly of the Beast by Mike Monaco Best Bio-Crawl
Crime and Punishment by Paul Cunningham Best Science Fiction
Vermin Hollow by Rob
Citadel of Evil by Stuart Robertson Best Design
Another Knight Like This by Thom Wilson Best Solo
Black Tom Muddye’s Treasure Map by Tim Hartin Best Pirate

I feel very honored to be included on that list!

Special thanks to Alex Schroeder for organizing the contest again this year; to Adrian Shieh, Shane Mangus, Clay Wendt, Ken Carcas, Angie Littmann, and Jeffrey Runokivi for helping him with the judging; and to all the companies who sponsored the event. This is one of my favorite RPG blogging community collaborations - so thanks for making it happen! :)

What I really like about the 1PDC is that it lets people share things that are "polished" but not really concerned about whether or not it's commercially viable. This is great for testing out new formats, ideas, and mash-ups and seeing how they're received.  I wouldn't have published my Weird West RPG if it hadn't been for all the great feedback I received on Citadel of Evil (which also uses the PocketMod format).  Thanks to everyone who's checked out both, and sent in their feedback - I really appreciate it!