AdventurerThis is leading us further down the rabbit hole of RPG design, but despite the (drastic) change in scenery it's still compatible with other old school games - including the one we've been playing. :)
Fighting +1 every 2 levels
Stamina [d6] every level
+1 on dice rolls for "Profession"
+1 on Movement Checks
Fighting +1 every level
Stamina [d8] every level
No limit on weapon dice
+1 on Death Checks
Fighting +1 every 3 levels
Magic +1 every level
Stamina [d4] every level
+1 on Magic Checks
Fighting +1 every 2 levels
Magic +1 every 3 levels
Stamina [d6] every level
+1 on Willpower Checks
Stamina / Weapon Dice
A character's stamina dice is also the maximum size they can roll for a one-handed weapon in combat. A two-handed weapon can be one die-size larger (eg. d4->d6). Characters can not roll a higher sized dice than that provided by the weapon they're using.
Updated Weird West Character Classes
These are based on the core classes from D&D, Swords & Wizardry and most other iconic sword and sorcery style games. Despite looking very terse I think it captures all the important info. Some of the other material, like being a martial artist or a Shaolin Monk will be handled outside of the rules for character classes. They're add ons, rather than unique classes.